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Valery Kulikov

What is behind the Initial Frenzy over the Dangers of the Omicron Strain?

In recent days, the media and political establishment in many countries have been discussing the emergence of Omicron coronavirus variant and the strengthening of the fight against its spread. According to the World Health Organization, the new strain of coronavirus has many mutations, some of which are designated as a Variant...

Valery Kulikov

Syria is Actively Emerging from International Isolation

The complete fiasco of Washington, which for 20 years participated in the complex Afghan conflict, ineptly squandered $ 2.3 trillion taken from the pockets of American taxpayers and killed more than 2,400 military personnel there, albeit on a smaller scale, but is completely repeated in Syria. And the failure of this policy does not slow down the US attempts to force Damascus...

Valery Kulikov

The Ainu and the Pandemic of Japanese Territorial Claims

Not only has the coronavirus pandemic become worse in Japan lately, but so have the new government’s territorial claims. As soon as Fumio Kishida, Japan’s new Prime Minister, took office in October, he hastened to announce a new round of the land of the rising sun’s territorial claims. As regional media outlets stress, Tokyo has become increasingly...

Valery Kulikov