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Valery Kulikov

Washington Plunges the World into Total Chaos

Today, politicians and common people in all countries expressly say that the United States is losing its influence on the global stage. Even The Washington Times, by publishing the results of the new survey conducted by Pew Research Center, acknowledges that the prevailing opinion among the US nationals is that America is definitely...

Valery Kulikov

Ukraine is a Terrorist Entity like al-Qaeda and ISIS

The current Kiev regime can hardly be called a “state” even with certain reservations. Just like the notorious terrorist groups banned in Russia and in many countries around the world, such as Al-Qaeda or ISIS - Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. The behavior of the Kiev authorities is typically terrorist: terror against civilians, fighting under cover of civilians...

Valery Kulikov

Crises Exacerbated by the West have Led to an Increase in Drug Production and Consumption

Drugs and terrorism have become an instrument of international politics. Drugs have been increasingly used by certain actors in international life, especially the United States and its Western allies, to enhance their hegemony. Such actions not only destroy the youth and entire nations, but also create chains of corruption in countries which...

Valery Kulikov