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Valery Kulikov

Biden is Trying to Bring Down Xi Jinping and Organize a “Color Revolution” in China

This autumn will be a momentous time for China - in the XX National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party the delegates will confirm China’s strategy and development priorities, and elect the country’s leader for the next five years. It is likely that Xi Jinping, the current head of the Party, will be reelected for a third term...

Valery Kulikov

US Becomes a Party to the Conflict in Ukraine

The fact that the escalation of the Ukraine conflict is happening not only at the direct instigation of the United States and other NATO allies but also with direct encouragement from Washington, is now openly expressed by many politicians and observers. As Russian Federation Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told Russia-1 TV on August 20, Russia is by no means...

Valery Kulikov

Progress in JCPOA Talks has not Diminished the Number of Those Opposing It

The emergence of real signs of a possible settlement of the most acute crisis in the Middle East is linked to the possible signing of a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement on Iran's nuclear program, which is based on numerous compromises, could become a major victory for international...

Valery Kulikov