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Valery Kulikov

Israel is in a Political Crisis Amplified by Trump’s Defeat

The year 2020 is winding down for the current Israeli political elite with events that are patently unpleasant. First, there is growing discontent in the country with Benjamin Netanyahu’s premiership. For the 22nd week, in different parts of the country protests have not subsided: on Saturday, November 14, at least 1,000 demonstrators came out to protest in Haifa, with...

Valery Kulikov

Will the Forum in Tunisia be a New Milestone on the Road to Peace in Libya?

The international community has recently taken many steps aimed at regulating the conflict in Libya, and the wider situation in that country, and there have been several rounds of talks, in various formats, both political and military, between the main Libyan factions. In the military talks the participants agreed to split the senior...

Valery Kulikov

Saudi Arabia’s Role in Strengthening Greater Israel

Amid Trump’s comments regarding the fact that after the presidential election he wants to hold a ceremony of signing a peace agreement between Israel and the Saudi Arabia, with King Salman and his son present there, Yori Cohen, the head of Mossad, has already stated that “normalization of relations with Israel will be a gift from Riyadh to the new US president – regardless...

Valery Kulikov