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Valery Kulikov

Why Erdogan Needs the 'Crazy' Istanbul Canal Initiative?

During his election campaign in 2011, the current leader of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, expressed his intention to bring to life several grandiose political and infrastructure initiatives. The most ambitious of these projects entails the construction of a new waterway, to the west of the Bosporus, that will connect the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara. Officially...

Valery Kulikov

Egypt and Turkey: A New Regional Conflict In the Making?

Over the past few days, the world has, unfortunately, witnessed a new regional escalation, this time between Egypt and Turkey. Admittedly, the relations between these countries have been declining since 2013. In November 2013, Turkey cut off diplomatic relations with Egypt. Erdogan, Prime...

Valery Kulikov

Trump Transforms the Middle East into NATO's "Area of Responsibility"

There's been no shortage of cultural and political figures over the last couple of centuries who would show interest towards the incredibly rich history of the Middle East. Essentially, this region gave birth to economy as we know it, a handful of ancient civilizations on top of three of world's major religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam...

Valery Kulikov