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Valery Kulikov

Biden has Just Crossed the Red Line

In a recent interview that the sitting US president gave to the ABC channel, Joe Biden confirmed that he considers Russia's president Vladimir Putin a “soulless killer”, adding a series of threats against Russia to those remarks. Such a statement, that was based purely on Russophobic misinformation, would do no honor to any politician. However, when such remarks...

Valery Kulikov

Vaccination: the Thorny Path Toward Victory over COVID-19

Who could have thought that the phrase “highly likely” uttered by the now all but forgotten former British Prime Minster Theresa May would lay the groundwork for a new kind of journalism where allegations and not facts are good enough to report on. Regrettably, even the major mainstream media journals these days consider this brand of journalism to be worthy...

Valery Kulikov

Is Japan Declaring a Territorial Blitzkrieg?

The spring escalation of the mental territorial syndrome in Japan has been particularly active this year. According to many observers, including Japanese observers, this can even turn into serious problems for this island state, both in its domestic political life and in relations with its neighbors due to its own obstructive position of the current official Tokyo...

Valery Kulikov