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Valery Kulikov

Iranian Alternative to the Suez Canal

With the recent blockage of the Suez Canal by the container ship Ever Given, many countries are already actively involved in the search and discussion of a possible future alternative to this maritime transport route connecting Europe and Asia. For instance, Russia proposed the Northern Sea Route, and Israel recalled the idea of the Ben-Gurion Canal, which could connect...

Valery Kulikov

Who is Responsible for the Rise of Terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria?

The fact that the United States uses terrorist organizations as mercenaries to advance its national interests around the world has long been no secret. Initially, the US, through its intelligence services, used al-Qaeda fighters (banned in Russia to counter the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, destabilize the region, and overthrow...

Valery Kulikov

It's High Time to Assess the "Ethical Standards" Professed by EMA and EU Bureaucracy

The World Health Organization (WHO has once again reiterated that the situation with the spread of the novel coronavirus infection across the globe remains alarming. The number of confirmed cases has already exceeded 130 million, while over 3 million people perished. What is particularly troubling is than 41% of the infections reported...

Valery Kulikov