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Valery Kulikov

How Long Will the Taliban Rule Last?

The Taliban's (a movement banned in the Russian Federation first political steps are being watched with particular attention by the international community to determine the direction of further contacts and relations with the new Afghan authorities. Several previous claims against the Taliban have created a bad reputation of this movement that still dominates...

Valery Kulikov

Failure in Afghanistan Causes US Policy Crisis in Central Asia

In the wake of the unfortunate end of the era of US military intervention in Central Asia, closing the chapter with the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, countries in the region have already begun the process of reassessing their ties with the former leading players of the region, and have started to build new schemes of common interaction in the interests of strengthening...

Valery Kulikov

Washington Makes a Key Bet in Central Asia on Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan has always been of interest to the United States because it is a “key state” bordering all countries in the region as Zbigniew Brzezinski put it in his book “The Grand Chessboard.” With the beginning of the “war on terror” in 2001, the USA leased a military base in Karshi Khanabad in Uzbekistan. However, relations between Tashkent and Washington...

Valery Kulikov