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Ulson Gunnar

Google's AI Center in China: Poaching Talent

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already fundamentally changing information technology and stands poised to permeate and transform technology both online and off ranging from manufacturing and transportation to medicine and military applications. The US, Russia and China have...

Ulson Gunnar

NATO Rolls Out Offensive Cyberweapons

NATO members including the US, UK, Germany, Norway, Spain, Denmark and the Netherlands have begun taking public steps in defining guidelines regarding the deployment of offensive cyberweapons. Reuters in its article, "NATO mulls 'offensive defense' with cyber warfare...

Ulson Gunnar

The US and the Global Artificial Intelligence Arms Race

Artificial intelligence (AI is already widely used by tech firms worldwide for everything from search engines to social media. It is also increasingly being developed for other applications including monitoring systems and decision making. Experimental platforms...

Ulson Gunnar