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Ulson Gunnar

Who is Winning the US-Chinese AI Arms Race?

Information technology has already transformed virtually every aspect of modern civilization. The rise of artificial intelligence and the ability of systems to train themselves rather than be programmed, allowing them to perform tasks...

Ulson Gunnar

NATO’s Greatest Enemy is Itself

Accidents happen. For Norway at the conclusion of NATO’s Trident Juncture 2018 military exercises, such an accident occurred with its Lockheed Martin Aegis-equipped frigate, HNoMS Helge Ingstad. After a collision with an oil tanker, the frigate’s captain ordered the ship aground...

Ulson Gunnar

The Geopolitics of Human Gene Editing

A cursory warning was left by renowned physics professor Stephen Hawking regarding a future where a race of superhumans, manipulating their DNA, would taking control of their own evolution. The warning came just before his death in March of this year. The Washington Post in its...

Ulson Gunnar