Ulson Gunnar
27.03.2020 Ulson Gunnar

How likely are you to die from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19? Based on the hysteria spreading across the globe, it would seem like the chances are fairly high. But Statnews.com would report on the actual projected death rate of those who contract Covid-19 based on US Center for Disease Control (CDC data, noting...

14.02.2020 Ulson Gunnar

Washington and Wall Street and the collective international order they've built over the decades following the Second World War appear to have run their course. To adversaries and allies alike, the US has become more of a liability than the global leader it attempts to present itself as. Yet there are still nations around the globe, including those which find themselves the target...

21.01.2020 Ulson Gunnar

A cornered animal is a dangerous animal. For the elite in Washington, with the terminal decline of their "American Century" and the global empire it built during it, they find themselves in a most unaccommodating corner and thus have become increasingly reckless and dangerous in their decision making. Compounding matters exponentially is the fact...

08.01.2020 Ulson Gunnar

There are very few who have yet to come to the realization that Western pharmaceutical corporations and the health care systems they have created, control, manipulate and exploit represent not only a particular pinnacle of corruption, but also threaten rather than preserve the health of the many millions who fall within...

25.12.2019 Ulson Gunnar

By establishing facilities in Europe to produce components, Chinese telecom giant Huawei is continuing the process of circumventing US sanctions amid a wider US-led trade war aimed at artificially quelling the growing trend of foreign companies outcompeting long-entrenched US monopolies...

09.12.2019 Ulson Gunnar

The collapse of an entire nation is as spectacular as it is rare. For a nation to simply cease to exist it must suffer such absolute defeat across the entire spectrum of what constitutes a nation; economically, militarily, culturally, socially and politically. What is much more common is a transition from existing, prevailing socioeconomic...

25.11.2019 Ulson Gunnar

The battle between fading US tech giants and their Chinese rivals spans the globe. China's Huawei appears to have won the battle in its own backyard of Asia, but what about in Europe where the US still holds a large amount of leverage it is not afraid to use? A self-described "non-profit independent journalism center in Hungary" has recently...

14.11.2019 Ulson Gunnar

At first glance the Danish toy company Lego doesn't seem to have much to do with paradigm shifts in technology. Yet a recent incident illustrates the march forward of modern technology and the threat it poses to not only well-established but inflexible companies like Lego, but to entire industries and their collective impact on global...

29.10.2019 Ulson Gunnar

While Russia has attempted to direct attention toward its first ever Russia-Africa Summit held in Sochi, Russia this month, it has been the systematic smear campaign launched by media in the West that has raised debate over accusations made against Moscow and exposed the hypocrisy of those making these accusations regarding their...

21.10.2019 Ulson Gunnar

The notion that Russia "controls" the US is absurd. That this conspiracy theory has taken root in the US says a lot about the public's grip on reality.  In the wake of "Russia Gate," a conspiracy theory claiming that the Russian Federation meddled in America's 2016 elections and "owns" a growing number of US politicians including the current US President, a wave of hysteria...

17.10.2019 Ulson Gunnar

Huawei's flagship smartphone, the Mate 30 and Mate 30 Pro, launched without Google products being available on it due to US restrictions against Chinese companies (and specifically against Huawei itself. Contrary to what many have speculated, Huawei has not developed its "own operating system" for its phones but is instead simply using an open...

12.09.2019 Ulson Gunnar

The Group of Seven (G7, comprised of the "most advanced economies in the world," includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It emerged in the 1970s. While it exists for supposedly many different and "important" reasons, it has functioned more as a Western-centric economic cartel than any sort of progressive...