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Ulson Gunnar

Iraq: Blowback Blackwater-Style

When we think about the term "blowback," we think of the rogues gallery of foreign mercenary forces the United States has created or exploited over the decades who invariably end up turning on their creators. The most prominent among these is Al Qaeda who...

Ulson Gunnar

What You Should Know About Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan and its population of nine and a half million, sits along the western coast of the Caspian Sea, bordering Russia to its north, Iran to its south, and Georgia, Armenia, and Turkey to its west. Its geostrategic position alone makes it...

Ulson Gunnar

Entombing Japan's Nuclear Nightmare

Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO announced the unprecedented undertaking of constructing a 1.5 kilometer long ice wall to contain four reactors at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant - site of one of the worst nuclear disasters in human...

Ulson Gunnar