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Taut Bataut

Pakistan’s Shambolic Democracy

The legislative process in Pakistan gained momentum as the tenure of the National Assembly drew to a close. Two crucial bills were introduced and swiftly passed by both the upper and lower houses of Parliament with minimal debate and a scant presence of lawmakers. Astonishingly, these bills were approved on the very day they were presented, even in the absence of several ministers. Analysts noted that the haste with which the laws were pushed through indicated a foreknowledge that elections might not be held on schedule. As per Pakistan’s Constitution (but not per practice), the amendment acts still required signatures…

Taut Bataut

The Ukraine Conflict Has Exposed NATO

The decades-long humiliation that NATO suffered in Afghanistan ostensibly was not enough, as NATO is being exposed again in the Ukraine conflict. The West and its veritable arm, the mainstream media, have been touting for over a year that the Russian forces are running out of munitions and are exhausted, but this is just not true. For proof, please read this article. If it were not for NATO and the US, who have deliberately prolonged this conflict, Ukraine would already be on the negotiation table…

Taut Bataut

Russia’s Ability to Sustain its Military Amidst the Ukraine Conflict

Since the conflict in Ukraine began, Western governments and media have been propagating that Russia is falling or will collapse militarily and economically due to the conflict itself and/or sanctions. While it is true that Russia is facing an extremely harrowing time due to the sanctions, it is not collapsing at all but economically growing. With respect to Russia’s military, it was stated by so-called experts that Russia’s arms industry will not be able to sustain itself…

Taut Bataut