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Taut Bataut

Javier Milei: The Media-Propelled Enigma Who Could Alter Argentina's Political Landscape

Argentina, a country of 46 million people, is heading to the polls in a presidential election that could potentially reshape the country’s political landscape. The leading candidate in this high-stakes race is Congressman Javier Milei, a 52-year-old libertarian economist who has sent shockwaves through Argentina’s political establishment with his promises of radical change…

Taut Bataut

Pax Americana and a World at War

At the end of the Cold War, Francis Fukuyama declared the “end of history.” The triumph of Capitalism over Communism was the victory of Good over Evil, and the establishment of the new world order under a Pax Americana was inevitable. We all – including Fukuyama himself – now know that history had much to say about its survival. 9/11, the War on Terror in Iraq and Afghanistan, the rise of China as a global economic and military power and now a war on the European mainland have put any such ideas to rest…

Taut Bataut

The Power of Boycotting

As countless times before, the renewed eruption of conflict in Israel and Palestine has polarised the world. Though many try to tread the line and call for diplomatic solutions to minimise the loss of human life, most take a side. In such an environment, most states take such a position and pledge support to either one side or the other, but increasingly, corporations have begun to take this role too…

Taut Bataut