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Steven MacMillan

Immoral British Leaders Exploit Refugee Crisis; Push for Military Action in Syria

Just in case you thought UK leaders couldn’t get anymore morally bankrupt, the British establishment is exploiting the tragic refugee crisis that has gripped Europe to push for even more military intervention in...

Steven MacMillan

Immoral British Leaders Exploit Refugee Crisis to Demand Military Action in Syria

Just in case you thought UK leaders couldn’t get anymore morally bankrupt, the British establishment is exploiting the tragic refugee crisis that has gripped Europe to push for even more military intervention in the Middle East...

Steven MacMillan

Sanity Prevails: Scotland to Ban the Cultivation of GMO Crops

Fantastic news; the Scottish government recently announced it will take advantage of the amendment to EU rules and ban the growing of genetically modified organisms (GMOs in the country. Scotland’s Rural Affairs Secretary, Richard Lochhead, stated...

Steven MacMillan