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Steven MacMillan

Hillary as President would be Catastrophic for the US and the World

Beholden to special interests; complicit in US war crimes across the globe; held top secret information on an unsecured home server; incessantly lies (like most politicians; and is married to a man who has been accused by multiple women of...

Steven MacMillan

Retired Army Colonel: US Will Have a Presence in Afghanistan for Another 50 Years

Afghanistan is a geostrategic and economic prize that the West will not want to relinquish anytime soon. In an interview at the end of 2015, the former chief of staff to Colin Powell and retired US...

Steven MacMillan

Is Obama the Biggest Puppet in History?

Out of all the political prostitutes in the Western world, one man stands out as the perfect illustration of a politician who works solely to serve his puppet masters.  Even though the majority of politicians are controlled by economic and...

Steven MacMillan