Stanislav Ivanov
17.02.2016 Stanislav Ivanov

The leader of Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region, Masoud Barzani, has announced the appropriate conditions for Iraqi Kurds to hold an independence referendum...

11.02.2016 Stanislav Ivanov

The beginning of 2011 went down in history as the "Arab Spring", which set in motion not only the "Arab street", but also the entire Middle East region. The act of self-immolation of a Tunisian teenager in late 2010 served as...

29.01.2016 Stanislav Ivanov

The Turkish authorities are conspiring to wreck negotiations in Geneva being organized to work out ways of putting an end to the civil war in Syria. Ankara sees the prospects of participation of the Syrian Kurds in...

27.01.2016 Stanislav Ivanov

Even though the Kurds played an active part in protest marches and demonstrations against Bashar al-Assad at the outset of the so-called Arab spring of 2011 and even were subject to repressions from the authorities, later during the Civil war they chose a...

25.01.2016 Stanislav Ivanov

As is well known, the current foreign policy of the Turkish leadership in the region widely known as “zero problems with neighbours” has failed completely and in fact become “zero relations with neighbours.” The sharp deterioration in the Russian–Turkish...

06.01.2016 Stanislav Ivanov

The execution of a Shia preacher Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr in Riyadh on January 2 2016 has provoked a massive wave of protests in the Shia community all across the Middle East: in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon...

20.12.2015 Stanislav Ivanov

The US administration, determined to overthrow the Damascus regime at any cost, has gone as far as to activate its ties and contacts with Syrian Kurds, who have been trying to maintain their neutrality amidst the Syrian civil war...

18.10.2015 Stanislav Ivanov

Large-scale civil wars in Syria and Iraq, and the de facto emergence of a new Arab Sunni formation, Islamic State caliphate, on a considerable part of their territories, have forced Washington to make some adjustments in its foreign policy in the Middle...

15.10.2015 Stanislav Ivanov

A wave of protests in a form of rallies and demonstrations has being gaining momentum in the northeastern Iraqi province of Sulaymaniyah since October 9 of this year. Protest participants demand that the regional authorities would immediately and effectively...

18.09.2015 Stanislav Ivanov

Turkish authorities have dramatically intensified anti-terrorist operations after a massive terrorist attack in Suruç, near the Syrian border, on July 20, 2015, which was followed by the killing of two Turkish policemen in the same region. Making use of the facts...

15.09.2015 Stanislav Ivanov

Saudi Arabia’s claims to be one of the leaders of the Arab and Muslim world prevent it from recognizing the State of Israel’s right to exist within its current borders, while Tel-Aviv in its turn rejects the plan for Middle East Regulation (MER proposed by...

29.08.2015 Stanislav Ivanov

Turkey is undergoing the most severe domestic political crisis of recent years. In previous years, R. Erdogan and his moderately Islamic Justice and Development Party (AKP managed to consolidate Turkish society with neo-ottoman foreign policy slogans, iron out...