Sofia Pale
14.03.2014 Sofia Pale

The early 21st century was marked by a number of conceptual notions: “globalization”, “clash of civilizations”, “East-West confrontation”... Later on, these terms were filled with more specific content. For example, the term of “new"...

05.03.2014 Sofia Pale

By 2005, thanks to the recom- mendations of international organizations for combating economic crime, Transparency International and the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF, as well as of the UN, the OECD, and...

11.02.2014 Sofia Pale

China’s aggressive expansion throughout the world interferes with the interests of key countries, including France. In the last decade, the Chinese “soft power” was smoothly directed towards the favorite geostrategic French possession...

22.01.2014 Sofia Pale

In recent years, China has made a transition from a "soft" force to launching a rather rigorous offensive on the leader of the current global economic system – the United States. This was facilitated by the financial crisis of 2008, which started in America and spread across the whole planet...

23.12.2013 Sofia Pale

After the economic collapse that began in 2008 and soon engulfed the entire world, Russia has made significant adjustments to its foreign policy. As a result of the crisis, the U.S. and Europe suffered the biggest financial losses...