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Sofia Pale

Chinese Businessmen are Now Investing Heavily in Lake Baikal

As you may  know, tourism is an incredibly profitable sector of any economy. It is also an important sphere of international relations that leads to ever growing trust and mutual understanding between peoples...

Sofia Pale

'Yuan-ization' of the World is Under Full Steam Now


On October 1, 2016 China’s yuan has been officially accepted in the list of the IMF’s reserve currency with a share of 10.93%, taking third place after US dollar (41.73% and euro (30.93%. This means that all central banks of…

Sofia Pale

Vladivostok to Become a Pivotal Hub of the Asia-Pacific Region

In August, 2016 the Chinese city of Changchun hosted the 21st summit of international exchange and cooperation of Northeast Asian regional administration officials. The forum was attended by delegations from Russia, China...

Sofia Pale