Sofia Pale
10.02.2020 Sofia Pale

In 2019, the Russian Federation and New Zealand marked the 75th anniversary since diplomatic ties between the two nations had been established. At present, when Oceania and the entire Asia-Pacific region have become the battleground for the political and economic confrontation between China and the West, the Russian Federation...

13.01.2020 Sofia Pale

Since Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison came to power a little over a year ago (starting at the end of August 2018 until today, Canberra has put in a lot of effort into restoring its position in the South Pacific, which has been considerably weakened in the last 10 years because of strong pressure...

14.07.2019 Sofia Pale

The Republic of Vanuatu is an island nation, a part of the New Hebrides archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, located some 1,750 km from Australia’s East coast. Before gaining its independence in July 1980, New Hebrides (the name of the nation before it became Vanuatu was a colony of both Britain and France. Even after Vanuatu...

06.05.2019 Sofia Pale

On March 30, 2019, New Zealand’s Te Papa National Museum in the capital city Wellington hosted the Grand Opening of the China-New Zealand Year of Tourism. Chinese Minister of Culture and Tourism Luo Shugang attended the ceremony along with New Zealand’s Minister of Tourism Kelvin Davis...

13.03.2019 Sofia Pale

Throughout 2018, the trade war mounted between China and the US. This is part of a larger standoff between China and the English-speaking world led by America, which is not only putting obvious economic interests at stake, but is also creating security issues...

28.01.2019 Sofia Pale

French Polynesia comprises a multitude of islands in the center of the Pacific Ocean, which are a part of France. The biggest and the most famous of these is the island of Tahiti. As in other “overseas” territories that remain under France’s dominion since colonial times, there is a powerful movement for independence in French Polynesia. Islanders take...

08.01.2019 Sofia Pale

New Caledonia is one of the last territories in the Pacific region to remain in France’s possession after decolonization. Over the last decades, the mood for secession has been strong in New Caledonia, and its independence movement has seen some success. The French government is trying to hang...

16.11.2018 Sofia Pale

The South Pacific region, stretching from the shores of Australia to South America and encompassing more than 30,000 islands, has felt China’s growing influenced since 2000s. By 2018, it had grown so strong that it became a threat to Australia’s strategic security. It should be...

10.01.2018 Sofia Pale

In the past years, Russia's foreign policy has been focused on expanding influence in the most remote corners of the planet. In particular, the Russian party has successful relations with the small island states of Oceania located in the South Pacific and with Fiji in particular. Until recently, in the mid-2000s...

04.11.2017 Sofia Pale

The processes taking place in the US and the European countries over the past 30 years have led to the economic, cultural and ideological decline of the West. It is now being pushed back by the central...

29.08.2017 Sofia Pale

With the coming to power of the new US president Donald Trump, the tiny countries of Oceania, which have always been in dire need of additional funding, have made attempts to find out how far his pre-election slogan "Let's make America great again!" will extend. Specifically, whether America...

19.03.2017 Sofia Pale

Nepal is a small country in the Himalayas squeezed between India and China. These two Asian giants have long been vying for Nepal. Though, traditionally, India was considered Nepal's key partner, lately China has been gaining...