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Simon Chege Ndiritu

Church of England: Bless Homosexual Couples. Pope: Do it Quick!

Christmas 2023 happened under a heavy cloud of contestation in Kenya as the Archbishop of Nairobi rejected the pope’s edict requiring priest to bless gay couples as the Vatican had directed on December 18th. As we await for the New Year, concerns of whether Christmas or the church will maintain its historical sense is pertinent, amidst Neoliberals’ Legitimizing Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transsexuals, and Queer (LGBTQ) movement. Similarly, the question of whether societies will continue creating people capable of reproducing, with stable sexual and religious identities…

Simon Chege Ndiritu

Russia’s Free Grain in Somalia: Russia Drops Food Where the US Drops Bombs

Russia started delivery of free grain to Somalia, the first country in which the US implemented the model it had been prevented from attempting by the presence of the USSR. The result of this model of interference for 34 years is evident in poverty and food insecurity not only in Somalia but other countries with US and allied bases. Russia’s delivery will be followed by similar free aid to other countries, including where the US has military and drone bases spying on and distracting the host governments from promoting food production, but instead enlisting them to fight ‘terrorism’…

Simon Chege Ndiritu

Operation Prosperity Guardian shows Racism and Pyromania

As the US operation against Gaza using Israeli partner continues for two and a half months due to US efforts of shooting down UN resolutions for a ceasefire, Lloyd Austin announced Operation Prosperity Guardian against Houthis in Yemen, attesting to the US unexplained love for war that can be likened to pyromania. It could be a matter of time before the American soldiers from the comfort of their ships and aircraft start lobbing bombs and bullets at impoverished defenseless Yemenis, already in the worst humanitarian disaster, just like Israelis are doing to Palestinians…

Simon Chege Ndiritu