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Seth Ferris

Northern Ireland Foreshadows the Future – Just Maybe!

To the monumental disinterest of the outside world, the people of Northern Ireland woke on June 18th to discover that Edwin Poots, leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, had resigned. He had been in the job three weeks. As far as we know, he was not forced out through a vote of no confidence but because he himself understood that the MLAs (members of the Northern...

Seth Ferris

British Army Being Slaughtered By Its Own Tanks

Who wants to be protected by an army which runs away? Even worse, by one which runs in several different directions before a shot is even fired? Such armies have existed in history. One reason Hungary went Communist was because its army ran away from the Germans in 1943, leaving a void of authority. The US insists on making the Iraq conflict more important...

Seth Ferris

Local Elections Turn the UK into Uruguay

When the Brexit Referendum (remember that? – it was five years ago, and seems like half a lifetime was won by the Leave campaign there was much talk about which other countries might follow the UK’s lead and try and leave the EU. Italy and France, with their successful populist movements, were suggested alongside newer and poorer members such as Slovakia...

Seth Ferris