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Seth Ferris

Australia: When Will It Be An Independent State?

When people talk about Asia, they do not generally mean Australia. After all, it is the largest part of a theoretically separate continent, Oceania, and its people are white and British in origin for the most part. However Oceania is a cultural term as much as anything. It refers to places where there a mix of native Polynesians and white European settlers, and English...

Seth Ferris

UK and BJ: When Will Words Have Meaning Again?

When we talk to people about things which have negatively affected us at some point we are told to “move on”. Whatever may have happened to us, we should put the past behind us and think of a better and brighter future, rather than dwell on old hurts forever. There are generally three reasons why we are told this. One, our interlocutor is genuinely interested in our welfare...

Seth Ferris

“Northern Ireland Protocol”: What It Is and Why It Matters?

It you want to write an article nobody will read, the best headline is probably “Northern Ireland Protocol”. Ever since it was made part of the renegotiated Brexit agreement in 2019, everyone has been either upsetting people by arguing about it, or choosing to ignore it. Everyone is sick and tired of hearing about Northern Ireland and its endless conflicts, even those...

Seth Ferris