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Seth Ferris

Boycotting Sochi is lame political subterfuge

Not since the Soviet incursion into Afghanistan in 1979 has there been so much recrimination and fanfare over the holding of the Olympics. Led, once again, by the United States, cries are being heard to boycott the Sochi Winter Games, whether over Russia’s policy towards the distribution...

Seth Ferris

Geneva II: CNN throws a Curveball Just before the Summit

So Syria, meaning the government of Bashar al-Assad, has “systematically tortured and executed about 11,000 detainees since the start of the uprising in 2011.” So says a new report, commissioned by Qatar, the US ally which supports the opposition. Qatar and Saudi Arabia are the two of...

Seth Ferris

All Eyes on Geneva 2

Syria is a bone of contention for many, a lost opportunity for others – and now all eyes are on the upcoming international conference to find a political solution to the Syrian conflict, which is to commence in Switzerland on 22 January. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is quoted...

Seth Ferris