Seth Ferris
20.03.2014 Seth Ferris

“The doctrine of justifiable war assumes a presumption against war — war should not be launched unless all the criteria are met (jus ad bellum, the war will be fought in a moral way (jus in bello, and it will be ended in a moral way (jus post bellum...

08.03.2014 Seth Ferris

In recent months we have seen the departure of two East European presidents. One was elected in broadly free and fair elections, one rigged his and every other election, as evidence as long as your arm demonstrates...

02.03.2014 Seth Ferris

I just realized that I am a conservative, a true conservative, each time there is a revolution somewhere in the world, I am critical of it and plainly against it. Seth Ferris is an American conservative...

27.02.2014 Seth Ferris

Mission Accomplished, but this time the battle is only just beginning. The removal of the Yanukovych government in Ukraine and the running street battles in Kiev have provided a convenient distraction to the debacle in Syria and America’s continuing inability to get its actions...

23.02.2014 Seth Ferris

The much-hyped Geneva 2 Conference on Syria, which concluded at the end of January, delivered absolutely nothing, as it was ultimately intended to. No agreement was reached on anything of substance, and holding the talks did nothing to stop...

16.02.2014 Seth Ferris

Are we witnessing the outbreak of a new Cold War, in which the West is pitted against Russia and various other countries? Patrick J. Buchanan, a conservative American political commentator, author and syndicated columnist, almost hit the nail on the head...

12.02.2014 Seth Ferris

Now some kind of mutual understanding has been achieved between the ruling military council and the Islamists in Egypt, with the help of the US, a new narrative of that country’s recent past is being written in the State and Islamist media.

09.02.2014 Seth Ferris

In an attempt to "settle" the Syrian crisis Washington and Riyadh has put forward a negotiator - the President of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces Ahmad Jarba. But it seems that today there's a few people who do remember...

06.02.2014 Seth Ferris

Most Americans don’t look up unless the “Goodyear Blimp” is hovering overhead, storm clouds are gathering on the horizon or an actor says on the radio that the Martians have landed. Until the current conflicts in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen broke out, and the so-called...

01.02.2014 Seth Ferris

Back in 2006 then-US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the politics of energy was “warping” diplomacy around the world. The very next week she opened a function attended by President Theodore Obiang Nguema Mbasogo...

28.01.2014 Seth Ferris

Not since the Soviet incursion into Afghanistan in 1979 has there been so much recrimination and fanfare over the holding of the Olympics. Led, once again, by the United States, cries are being heard to boycott the Sochi Winter Games, whether over Russia’s policy towards the distribution...

25.01.2014 Seth Ferris

So Syria, meaning the government of Bashar al-Assad, has “systematically tortured and executed about 11,000 detainees since the start of the uprising in 2011.” So says a new report, commissioned by Qatar, the US ally which supports the opposition. Qatar and Saudi Arabia are the two of...