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Seth Ferris

NATO in Cardiff: "We Don't Care for the People"

When Aldo Moro, the former Italian Prime Minister, was kidnapped and ultimately executed by Red Brigades terrorists he seemed an unlikely target, as he was a Catholic Socialist and had authored the Historic Compromise...
Seth Ferris

The Global Shame which was Killing Ukraine

Some international relations pundits working for the so called mainstream press continue to suggest that Russia is doing exactly what it did in Georgia in 2008 with Ukraine. The same press was backing down from the Russian invasion headlines in light of facts...

Seth Ferris

ISIS: Brutal beheading a windfall for Rendon Media Group

There have been predictable howls of outrage at the beheading of 40-year old journalist James Foley in Syria in retaliation for US air support to those fighting ISIS in Iraq. It is of course right to be angry...

Seth Ferris