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Seth Ferris

CNN gets it right for once: Benjamin Netanyahu over Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s address to Congress last week added nothing to the discourse on Iran. Despite the coverage it received, and the controversy surrounding it, it did nothing to assist efforts to achieve the stated...

Seth Ferris

Why the Media War Over Ukraine is a War Against Everyone

The ongoing media war between the United States and the Russian Federation is pretty much official. Even before the first official shots were fired, through the announcements by Andrew Lack, the newly-appointed chief of the US Broadcasting Board of...

Seth Ferris

Will Syriza Become the Saviour of the EU?

Everyone is having their say about the Greek elections. Most commentators fall into two camps. For one group, Syriza’s victory is the end of civilization as we know it, for the other it is the end of Greece as we know it. However the left-wing, anti-austerity party...

Seth Ferris