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Seth Ferris

North Korea: The Devil You Know, And It Isn’t Kim Jong-Un

As we all know, the Russian ruble has not fallen without reason. Nor have the energy and mineral prices so important to its economy. Russia is being subjected to economic sabotage reminiscent of Cold War times...

Seth Ferris

Want Independence? Angola Will Show You What It Is

Any ethnic group whose homeland is in another country dreams of independence. Now Scotland wants it after the UK elections, Reepublika Srpska in Bosnia wants it, Catalonia wants it, Kashmir wants it. What independence actually means is left to the prospective...

Seth Ferris

India: The Revolution You Didn’t Hear About

The municipal elections in Delhi, capital of India, on February 7th raised interest in a few journals but not nearly as much as they should have done. There is a reason for this. Many countries are struggling to cope with non-traditional parties challenging...

Seth Ferris