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Seth Ferris

Rex Tillerson and His Friends: The End Game of America

Donald Trump has no choice but to detour from the obviously failed foreign policies of his predecessors. The Middle East is a firestorm waiting to happen, and the death count in Syria is at least 500,000 and still rising...

Seth Ferris

Obama Expels Russians to Destroy What's Left of the United States

"We need to take action (and we will....at a time and a place of our own choosing. Some of it may be explicit and publicized. Some of it may not be...." - Obama 16th Dec 2016. But as we...

Seth Ferris

Libya, Yemen, and Why They Are Yesterday's News


We are all familiar with the phenomenon of old news. A story which was on the front page for weeks gradually stops being reported because other things are considered more newsworthy. The issues which made the story so newsworthy...

Seth Ferris