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Seth Ferris

South China Sea: the UK Intervenes On Its Knees

Whichever side of the Brexit debate you are on, things don't look too good at the moment. Those who voted Leave are seeing the pound fall sharply, jobs disappearing, no trade deals with other countries and the huge amount of work...

Seth Ferris

Myanmar: The Rohingya Crisis is Killing the West Too

Myanmar, the place we used to call Burma, has come back into the spotlight Western governments always try and keep it away from. Much is going on here, and too, many contradictions … but why? There is a well-known management...

Seth Ferris

Pakistan: Another "Major Strategic Partner" Now Fighting For Its Life

So the Trump White House is really on the ball now. After suddenly discovering what North Korea has always been, it has done the same with Pakistan, and is trying to cover its essential ignorance by saying how unhappy it is about it...

Seth Ferris