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Seth Ferris

Gibraltar – The Real Reason For Brexit Finally Revealed

Once again the naked truth has shown itself while everyone was looking the other way. Analysts have been giving all sorts of reasons as to why the Brexit scenario has developed as it has. But the truth has been staring us in the face, all the time – which is exactly why these...

Seth Ferris

Italian Elections: Ignore the Doomsayers: The EU Has “Nothing To Fear”

The Italian elections of Sunday March 4th were keenly anticipated across Europe. Some commentators considered them critical, as it was expected that anti-EU parties would make big gains, and Italy's membership of the EU would thus be put in question. Oh no! What if Italy leaves...

Seth Ferris

No One Wants To Talk About It, But Lettergate “Rumbles On”

In a previous article I suggested that we may be at the beginning of a new scandal known as "Lettergate" which could be even greater than Watergate in the US.That particular story has died down, at least for now, as nothing more...

Seth Ferris