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Seth Ferris

International Consequences “Blowback” of Trump´s War on Refugee Families

A time like this, with the eyes of the world on Russia and the World Cup, is a traditional one for doing things you don´t want too many people noticing. The Soviet Bloc moved into Hungary in 1956 just as the Olympics were starting, and Mikheil Saakashvili did the same...

Seth Ferris

Italy: Artificial Financial Crisis: All About Protecting the US!

Yet again, we have a financial crisis in Europe. After the bailouts in Greece and Portugal we are told that Italy, once described as "too big to fail", is once again on the verge of bankruptcy and the rest of the EU will be forced to ride in to rescue it. Apparently the financial...

Seth Ferris

Putin Visits Austria: Maybe Everyone Has a Way Out

Everything Vladimir Putin does is perceived with great suspicion by the West. So it is surprising that more has not been made of his recent visit to Austria, as it is more significant than the lack of press coverage makes it appear; it may be the first step of things to come...

Seth Ferris