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Seth Ferris

Slovakia and Ukraine Elections: The Earth Isn't Really Moving!

Few people know or care about Slovakia, except those who live in it. When UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt went to Slovenia recently and referred to it as a "Soviet vassal state", he demonstrated that even a foreign minister can't tell the difference between Slovenia (which was, which sums up the respect the country...

Seth Ferris

US Withdrawing from Afghanistan? It Lies About That Too!

Now we are being told that the US is finally getting out of Afghanistan, as has long been promised Maybe, just maybe, the forty years of conflict there will be over, and everyone who has had their say about that country might just care enough to make that happen. There is...

Seth Ferris

UK Political Group Born from Brexit Saga: Lost Cause Independent of Reality?

Throughout the Brexit saga one thing has never changed. The Brexiteers have presented themselves as the tough guys, who will do anything to get their own way regardless of what other people think, while the Remainers have often been happy to be presented as "snowflakes"...

Seth Ferris