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Seth Ferris

Middle East Peace and Hezbollah: A Bridge Too Far for Biden?

The biggest problem the US has is that it has run out of enemies. There's no Soviet Union, far fewer dictatorships of any shade, the Chinese have been encouraged to buy up everything they can in Western countries and Trump has sat down with Kim Jong-Un and treated him as a legitimate fellow member of the nuclear family...

Seth Ferris

The Nexus: “COVID-19, Gig Economy or Expendable Employees”

For two generations society has been built of the concept of the regular wage earner. Housing, commercial development and politics have all been based on the presumption that most people will have regular jobs, bringing in regular incomes, and that they can expect this to continue until they retire. This presumption was...

Seth Ferris

Trump, Subterfuge and Endgame: Now We Know What He's Up To!

During The Troubles in Northern Ireland, which were effectively a 30 year civil war, one of the issues which generated a lot of dispute was prisoner status. Many people on both sides of the conflict, but predominantly Republicans, were jailed for acts such as bombings, murders and kidnappings which would not be legal anywhere...

Seth Ferris