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Salman Rafi Sheikh

How is Saudia Engaging Iran in a New Regional Conflict?

The House of Saud’s bid to engage with Iraq after almost a quarter century is perfectly illustrative of the former’s renewed push to create a regional wedge against the fast increasing Iranian influence in Iraq, as also in...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

A Self-struck Disaster and a Resurgent China Await Trump in Asia

After ditching the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP and giving a deadly blow to the’ US pivot to Asia, the US foreign policy vis-à-vis Asia remains in doldrums. With the erstwhile partner countries negotiating to operationalize...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Raqqa ‘Victory’ and the Tale of Mindless US Bombings

While the US claims to have ‘won’ a number of battles against terrorists in Iraq and Syria, latest being the one in the city of Raqqa, these victories---almost all of them---have been achieved at a great human cost, leaving behind...

Salman Rafi Sheikh