Salman Rafi Sheikh
How is Saudia Engaging Iran in a New Regional Conflict?
The House of Saud’s bid to engage with Iraq after almost a quarter century is perfectly illustrative of the former’s renewed push to create a regional wedge against the fast increasing Iranian influence in Iraq, as also in...
A Self-struck Disaster and a Resurgent China Await Trump in Asia
After ditching the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP and giving a deadly blow to the’ US pivot to Asia, the US foreign policy vis-à-vis Asia remains in doldrums. With the erstwhile partner countries negotiating to operationalize...
The Raqqa ‘Victory’ and the Tale of Mindless US Bombings
While the US claims to have ‘won’ a number of battles against terrorists in Iraq and Syria, latest being the one in the city of Raqqa, these victories---almost all of them---have been achieved at a great human cost, leaving behind...