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Salman Rafi Sheikh

The US Adventurism in the Middle East and its Consequences

Since at least 1980, the US has been invading, occupying and bombing the Middle East. The rhetoric invented to give justification to this adventurism was and still is based upon notions of promoting democracy...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

ISIS: A Face of “Sunni-Arab” Aggrandizement or Destruction?

The ISIS, as we know it today, has done much to demonstrate its “Sunni” character to the world. Since the start of the conflict, a common observation has been that the ISIS has particularly been attacking “Shia” neighbourhoods in Iraq as well as in Syria...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Indian Ocean: A Flashpoint of India-China Power Tussle?

The Chinese President’s visit to India seems to have been a very successful one in terms of the amount of investments to be made in future. Promises were made from both sides to work together to resolve issues of politico-military significance and to focus on areas...

Salman Rafi Sheikh