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Salman Rafi Sheikh

China: Demand for Resources and the Changing Contours of Foreign Policy

China's foreign policy, especially towards the Middle East and Africa, is being shaped by its increasing requirements for Oil and other natural resources, leading to a situation that can be summarized as such...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

China Gets Political in Afghanistan

In the last week of October 2014, soon after his election as the new President Ashraf Ghani travelled to China to convince China of the need for playing a big role in re-constructing the war-torn country. The tour was highly symbolic of Afghanistan’s efforts to...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Power and Vulnerability: Saudi Kingdom and its Troubles

As it stands, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the most ‘powerful’ states in the Gulf region. However, its ‘power’ does not necessarily render it any less vulnerable to threats (especially those which emanate from the application of that very power...

Salman Rafi Sheikh