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Salman Rafi Sheikh

Diagnosed! The West is suffering from ‘Anxiety and Fear’

On October 3, 2015 NATO launched its “biggest military exercise” since 2002, putting 36,000 alliance soldiers through their paces in Italy, Spain and Portugal. The reason for such a big exercise is specifically to boost preparedness...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Turkey is Playing With Fire

With Turkey taking a deep plunge into the war against the ISIS and Kurds, the reality of Erdogan's popularity is fast turning into a perception—an illusion. Turkey's decision to play as the U.S.' new "sweet-heart" in the Middle East is virtually taking it to the verge...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

On Russia-Israel “Clash” Over Syria

Recent developments have shown that the conflict in Syria is reaching new heights of tension as Russia and Israel built up their power-base there. A rapid Russian build-up in Syria, which, according to the Western media includes warplanes and anti-aircraft systems...
Salman Rafi Sheikh