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Salman Rafi Sheikh

The House of Saud’s Firecrackers

Recent executions in Saudi Arabia and the way these were publicized and given air through a diplomatic rift with Iran are, in fact, a glaring reflection of how the House of Saud is diverting its public’s attention away from the way it has been squandering...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Erdogan’s ‘Kurdish Disaster’ in the Making

If we were to believe Erdogan’s up-beat ‘anti-terror’ rhetoric, we might also be tempted to believe that Turkey, led by him, has been one of the most important states fighting terrorist organizations since the beginning of the current phase of the conflict in...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Downing of Russian Jet: Turkish Delusion and American Strategy

While Turkish propaganda, being backed as it is by the U.S., about shooting down a Russian jet is based upon the so-called notion of “State Sovereignty”, hardly anyone seems to question the multiple violations of Syrian state’s...

Salman Rafi Sheikh