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Salman Rafi Sheikh

Is There Anything New About Trump’s Middle East Policy

While Donald Trump is apparently busy in re-defining the US approach to the Middle East, the so-called new policy may not be that new. After all, those preparing this policy and those advising the president on the region were...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

NATO’s “Success” in Libya, ISIS Replaces Gaddafi

Third week of February marked 6th anniversary of ‘popular’ up-rising in Libya that ultimately led to the overthrow of Gaddafi regime. Thanks to NATO’s intervention and the chaos it left behind, today’s Libya lies in ruins, over-run...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Trump’s U-turn Promises Co-operation With China

The Trump administration has changed its previous stance on ‘One China.’ This is pretty evident from various statements issued by Trump and his team and the positive response these statements have received from China. Moving...

Salman Rafi Sheikh