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Salman Rafi Sheikh

UNHRC Yemen Inquiry is Doomed to Fail Magnanimously

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC seems to have finally awakened up to the brazen human rights violations that the Saudia led Arab coalition forces have been blamed to have committed in the conflict in Yemen that...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Kurdistan Is an Israeli Game-Plan for the Region

Let’s begin with the fact that no other actor, not even perhaps Kurds themselves, stand to gain as much from the establishment of an independent Kurdistan in the Middle East than Israel. Israel’s support for a Kurdish state has real...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Trump Promises Blood and War: Can He Fulfil It?

Standing in the UN, speaking to the leaders of all countries of the world, the US president Donald Trump promised war and blood to those who stand opposed to the global system under the sole domination of the US. Donald Trump’s...

Salman Rafi Sheikh