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Salman Rafi Sheikh

Turkey & the US Re-discovering Their ‘Lost-love’

While Turkish officials have been recently seen justifying their quite rapprochement with the US on Syria as a result of Turkey’s ‘diverse’ foreign policy, it seems that the said diversity was not considered to be a viable option when the…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

Why did Turkey Support the US Missile Strike on Syria?

Turkey’s role in the on-going war of Syria has been a subject of controversy from the beginning. From initially supporting the US and NATO to clashing with Russia, the ‘sick man of Europe’ has recently been seen making a dramatic…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

Washington Has No Means for Attending its Goals in Syria

While the Trump administration and their allies, France and the UK, declared their ‘co-ordinated air strike’ on Syria a success, a “mission accomplished”, a closer look at the situation reveals that this strike, far from a success story, is no…
Salman Rafi Sheikh