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Salman Rafi Sheikh

Iran-US Escalation and the Strait of Hormuz Factor

With the US president Donald Trump’s tweet of mass destruction and with Iran’s General Soleimani hitting back, the war of words has intensified in a big way between Iran and the US. Soleimani’s verbal attack symbolizes many things. Whereas it…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

Why Russia Wouldn’t Offer Iran to Israel & the US

With the heat developing on the question of Iran’s presence in Syria, a presence which is neither illegitimate nor an invasion of the sorts the US is known for doing, tension in the region is likely to rise. As we…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

Trump-Putin Summit: What of the Deep-State Spoillers in Washington?

While the US president Donald Trump seemed willing enough during the historic Helsinki summit to mend US ties with Russia—and he did point his finger at Washington rather than Moscow for bad relations with Russia—it was evident even before the…
Salman Rafi Sheikh