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Salman Rafi Sheikh

Iran Maneuvers to “Contain the US” in Syria

Apart from Russia, it is Iran that has a legitimate presence in Syria, and has fought directly to prevent the fall of Assad from power. Over the last six years of Syrian war, Iran’s role and character has expanded and…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

What the Idlib Deal Means for the Syrian War

While a crisis has been prevented in Idlib through a deal between Russia and Turkey, the deal in itself also contains sufficient substance that brings America’s role in Syria down to zero. This becomes particularly evident when we compare the…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

De-westernization Continues Apace Through Eurasian Integration

The context for changing the order of world politics has never been more suitable than it is now. For one thing, the decline of the West is due to the massive breaches that internal strategic disagreement over issues ranging from…
Salman Rafi Sheikh