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Salman Rafi Sheikh

How China and Russia Defeated Washington in Western Hemisphere

If evidence of how Eurasia is challenging the post-Cold War unilateral world order was needed, the Chinese and Russian handling of the US’ Venezuela adventure may be a fine example. The US agenda of overthrowing a regime in the name…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

The US has Locked China as its Enemy No. 1

Although a South China Morning Post news article of March 9 tried to dismiss a popular notion that there is going on a ‘clash of civilisations’ between the US and China and further showed that the present conflict between the…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

Iran is Expanding its Regional Influence in a Big Way

LA45345222Last few weeks have seen the Iranian diplomats and top officials engaging in a lot of diplomatic activity in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Syria, marking a systematically built web of relations that Iran is building as part of a policy based upon what its supreme leader…

Salman Rafi Sheikh