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Salman Rafi Sheikh

How the US is Locking Horns with Russia in Libya

In a rather gate-crashing mode, the US is positioning itself in Libya in a way that will become yet another Syria as far as the end-game of this war-torn, NATO-destroyed and ‘humanitarianly-intervened’ country is concerned. For some time now, the Russians have been increasing their presence in Libya, supporting Libyan...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

NATO Ups the Military Ante against China and Russia

In the recent foreign ministers level NATO summit held in Brussels, the NATO leaders not only re-affirmed their commitment to the same confrontational ideology that it has been following ever since its creation after the Second World War, but also added China in the list of enemy countries, vowing to start its military surveillance. This is a significant...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

How Exactly did the US Lose the Trade War With China?

The ongoing trade war between the US and China has caused both countries economic damage, leading to lower exports for China (by almost 25% and  higher prices for consumers in the US, but economic and financial losses aren’t the most significant negative aspects. And, whereas both the US and China are beginning to signal a possibility...

Salman Rafi Sheikh