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Salman Rafi Sheikh

The War in Yemen May Bring Major Changes to Saudi Politics

The recent escalation of the war in Yemen is coupled with a growing US distancing from the Saudis, which signals that the winds might be fundamentally shifting in Yemen to the ultimate disadvantage of Riyadh. Over the past month, the Houthis rebels have really upped the ante with their attacks inside Saudia Arabia that targeted airports, oil facilities and military...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Joe Biden Unveils his “China Strategy”

The Joe Biden administration has taken no time to finalise its China strategy. The telephonic conversation between Biden and Xi, which happened in a so-called “good atmosphere”, has already given way to a “China strategy” that is not different from the Trump administration’s approach. However, some latest developments show that the Biden administration has not...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

How Israel is Shaping Biden’s Iran Policy

While Joe Biden the candidate wanted to quickly normalise relations with Iran and re-enter the JCPOA, Joe Biden the president has, as the developments that have happened so far, deviated from his stated course of action. To a large extent, Biden has appropriated Trump’s “maximum pressure” strategy and has refused to lift sanctions on Iran and simply make the US a part...

Salman Rafi Sheikh