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Salman Rafi Sheikh

The West’s War in Ukraine is a War against Russia

As recent events surrounding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine have shown unambiguously – and quite convincingly – the West’s so-called ‘war effort’ in Ukraine is less about defending Ukraine and more about what some Western pundits call “erasing” Russia as a power capable of wielding influence at the global level. The war, in simple words, is aimed at causing...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Why’s Joe Biden on a Mission to Court Mohammad bin Salman?

When Joe Biden campaigned for presidential elections and promised to make Saudia – especially if the kingdom continues to be ruled by the crown prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) – a ‘pariah’ state, many political pundits in the US believed his rhetoric unlikely to change during the duration of his “democratic” presidency. For over a year, the Biden administration...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

How Washington is Turning the Pacific into a New Theatre of NATO’s Conflict

In April, at a press conference in Poland, the US Secretary of Defence Austin Lloyd openly declared that the core US objective in the Russia-Ukraine conflict was/is to weaken Russia militarily in ways to make its recovery difficult if not impossible for a long time. Austin said, “we want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds...

Salman Rafi Sheikh