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Veniamin Popov

Signs of the decline of the American political system

Recently, the American media reported that a biography of Senator Mitt Romney, who has just announced his resignation, is being prepared for publication. A New York Times columnist read an excerpt from the book and “was struck by the depth of the senator’s contempt and disdain for much of the Republican Party, including many of his colleagues in the Senate.” He condemned their vanity, their venality and cowardice: he reserved particularly harsh words for the many senators “who would do or say anything for political power and influence.”…

Veniamin Popov

The West must realize that the world has become multipolar

The 15th BRICS summit in South Africa came to an end on August 24. It resulted in a Declaration, which states that all of these nations will cooperate to build a global order based on equality, respect, and consideration for each other’s interests. The association has accepted six new members, and it will soon accept 15 additional states that have applied to join. It is known that 20 more developing countries are exploring increasing their engagement with the BRICS. In simple terms, the struggle to create a new, more just world order has entered a significant new stage. In this regard, three points should be highlighted…

Veniamin Popov

A shameful chapter in the politics of the European Union

The issue of migration to countries on the European continent has recently become increasingly critical. Much has been said and written about this, but the issue remains unchanged: many individuals from African and Asian countries are attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea in pursuit of a better life amidst poverty, conflict, and climate change. According to Irish journalist Sally Hayden, migration and the West’s response to it is one of the defining events of our century; at this point, “it is a story of catastrophe…

Veniamin Popov