Veniamin Popov
14.07.2024 Veniamin Popov

Israel’s war in Gaza has led to a virtual genocide of the Palestinian people: the number of dead and wounded has long since exceeded 100,000, many of the inhabitants of the enclave are suffering from hunger, and there is a glaring lack of medical services. But the Israeli authorities have not been able to eliminate Hamas, and their military actions have led more and more young Palestinians to seek revenge for the terrible suffering of their relatives.

04.07.2024 Veniamin Popov

In December, 1998, during an official visit to New Delhi, then-Prime Minister of Russia E. M. Primakov proposed the creation of a strategic triangle between Russia, India and China, which would be a counterweight to the hegemonic policies of the US and the West, that force their position unto other states. Primakov’s proposal was the first signal vis-à-vis the transformation of the unipolar world that had formed following the fall of the Soviet Union…

24.06.2024 Veniamin Popov

For decades, the US government has supported wars, insurgencies, covert operations and the overthrow of unfriendly governments abroad. Today, pundits are wondering whether the era of the “American Century” has come to an end. Many Americans are now turning to Civil War narratives for information as concerns grow about potential civil unrest…

16.06.2024 Veniamin Popov

According to “Le Monde”, Europe is becoming poorer compared to the United States. In the opinion of many political analysts, the European authorities have chosen the wrong course of development by completely submitting to Washington’s policy – by joining almost 20 thousand anti-Russian sanctions, they have not only failed to restrain the growth of the Russian economy, but have even done themselves considerable damage. This is particularly evident in the case of Germany…

01.06.2024 Veniamin Popov

In mid-May, Arabs collectively put forward a plan to end the war in Gaza and resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. On 16 May, the 33rd Arab Summit was held. Leaders from all 22 Arab countries met in Bahrain, including the Presidents of Egypt, Syria, Palestine, the King of Jordan, the Emir of Qatar, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and others…

28.05.2024 Veniamin Popov

On May 14, Israel celebrated a gloomy 76th birthday. More than seven months after the October 7 terrorist attack, the war still rattles the Gaza Strip, continuing to wreak unprecedented devastation, and the goals set by Israeli forces continue to evade them. Benjamin Netanyahu has promised to destroy Hamas and release the hostages, but those objectives have yet to be achieved…

23.05.2024 Veniamin Popov

Recently, the European Union and other Western European states have been facing a growing crisis. This state of affairs was best characterised by French President E. Macron, who in several speeches at the end of April and beginning of May stated that Europe was in mortal danger. He also stressed that “everything could fall apart very quickly”. Some Russian political analysts believe that for the past two years the economies of most European Union countries have been in a virtual standstill, especially Germany, which Bloomberg has dubbed “the sick man of Europe”…

14.05.2024 Veniamin Popov

A series of reports by the RAND Corporation, America’s largest think tank, commissioned by the Pentagon, are expected to be released on 30 April. An American newspaper obtained a copy of the document and gave a summary of its contents. The essence of the RAND Corporation study is that the US is approaching a decline from which few major powers have ever recovered…

11.05.2024 Veniamin Popov

Palestinian President M. Abbas announced the other day that he was reviewing relations with the U.S., given Washington’s veto of a Security Council Resolution that would have recommended granting Palestine full UN membership. It has become obvious to many that the Americans have never taken into account the interests of the Palestinian people when developing their policies. In fact, the goal of the American strategy has been to strengthen Israel. An ever-greater number of countries are abandoning the American military presence: recently, the authorities of the African state of Niger achieved the withdrawal of American troops from that country…

21.04.2024 Veniamin Popov

The dates of 7 October 2023 and 13 April 2024 will go down in the history of the Middle East as milestones that defined a new balance of power. The myth of Israel’s military superiority and the invincibility of its army will be gone forever. The Gaza massacre, which caused enormous loss of life and destruction, effectively isolated the Netanyahu government in the international community. Only the US and a few other Western powers provided diplomatic cover for his military provocations…

18.04.2024 Veniamin Popov

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States believed that a unipolar world would last forever: year after year, day after day, it became increasingly blatant in its disregard for the interests of others and the opinions of the rest of the world. Then the concept of an international “rules-based order” was born: a group of American scholars, former and future officials, presented a paper at Princeton in 2006 entitled “A World of Freedom Under Law”…

15.04.2024 Veniamin Popov

We are currently witnessing a reformatting of the entire system of international relations – the most striking features of this process are the weakening of the influence of the Western powers and the strengthening of the positions of those states that used to be called developing countries. Some call this phenomenon the emergence of a truly multipolar world…